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What Drives you?
Often times when I speak to someone new in the gym, wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, someone getting back into the gym, or a new client, I like to find out why? The most common answer is the obvious right? "To be healthy and get in shape."Of course, this is truly what we all want, who do you know would actually like to live a sedentary lifestyle and have multiple health issues?
Well, I'm here to tell you that isn't enough! You have to have a solid and detailed goal as to why you are going to be making this change in your life. If your goal is to have a six pack to attract the opposite sex, or to have stronger arms and get that beach body you've been wishing for, then your journey in health will be short lived. These are good to start. Infact most people that started working out did it for these exact reasons, or some variation of it. But there has to be something stronger than that. Unfortunately, most people wait until it becomes something health related, usually some bad news from their Dr. explaining that their health habits need to change immediately or (fill in the blank)
Most people that have these short term goals (sixpack, beachbody etc..) will just focus on that small factor, and will either.
1.) not reach their goals.
2.) Dread every day that they are getting closer to your goal and inevitably relapse once they have hit their goal.
There has to be some type of underlying factor that gets you going in the morning. For people in extreme situations, they must start making these healthy habits so that they may see their kids grow up. You must have a WHY for making this permanent change. Sometimes It is as simple as being sick and tired of being sick and tired. That alone will do it for most people. I can't tell you what your WHY is but this is something you must figure out in order to have longevity, in the gym, in your health, and in your life.
What is your why?
Enjoy the Journey,
Fady Mansi